Project Made: Fox on a Box, Inspiration Quotes for a Friend
"Success isn't just about what you accomplish in your life, its about what you Inspire others to do."

When I was in High School, one of the best gifts I ever recieved from one of my best friends was a little silver box full of inspiraitonal quotes and bible versus. If ever I was feeling sad or low, I would open up that silver little box and read all the hand written messages, and it would brighten my day. This is where I thought of today's Project Made tutorial for you to give as a RAOK to a close friend.
To create the little box, here is what you will need:
Paint (I used Martha Stewart's Satin Beach Glass and Josonja's Acrylic Rich Gold)
Paint Brushes: Large Flat and Small with fine tip
Wooden Box
Washi Tape
Something cute to stick on top. (I purchased these felt foxes from World Market)
Water Color paper or nice paper for printing quotes
Printable Quotes:
Optional: Adhesive Magnets or Sticker Paper

First Step is to paint the inside and outside of your wooden box with the large flat brush. You may need to do 2-3 coats to get a nice finish.
Once the initial coats are dry, its time to start decorating your box. Go crazy!! You don't have to do exactly what I did, just find fun things in your craft stash to sass it up. I simply painted on some triangles with the gold paint, hot glued the fox onto the lid and wrapped washi tape around the outside of the box. I love washi tape!! (like a lot)

After you've decorated the box to your hearts content, its time to print out your quotes to put into the box. You could hand write your own, which would be so meaningful, or print out the ones that I've included. I found these on Beauty Holics Anonymous which has heaps of great downloads. I just love what you can find on Pinterest!
Aren't these just beautiful! And here is the box i've kept all these years later...

I hope you really enjoyed today's post and are inspired to make something for your friend, or just anyone who needs a special pick-me-up. Let us know what you have made special for a great friend, or that you received and how it made you feel. Let's get the conversation going! :) See you tomorrow for another exciting tutorial.
Lindsey Rae