Project Made: Project LOVED Messenger Bag
Updated: Apr 18, 2023
"We can't help everyone, but everyone can help someone."
-Ronald Reagan
I am so excited to bring you today's Project Made post! My best friend, in the entire world, has designed this amazing and super simple messenger bag and tutorial for a really great cause!
This is my beautiful friend Annelien. She has the biggest heart of anyone I know and was put on this earth to be a shining light for so many. Annelien works very closely, through her church and her non-profit company Project LOVED, with the girls orphanage in Haiti. Each year she has traveled to this country to bring supplies and help support the girls and the orphanage with what they need. Project LOVED was started as a way to help the girls from this orphanage and all around the world have a better chance of achieving an education and building a life for themselves. If you would like to find out more about Project LOVED click HERE.

Projet LOVED's Mission:
Our mission is to enrich, empower and uplift children of poverty, globally,
by promoting education and providing educational scholarships, to break the cycle of poverty for the child, their families and their communities at large.
So to raise awareness and help make these little girls faces light up, Annelien came up with a great project that you can donate to be given to one of the girls or alternatively make for yourself or a family member. This messenger bag will be perfect for all their school books, and something they can call their very own. I just think that is sooooo cool!
I hope you enjoy the tutorial:

If you are interested in donating your bag, or supplies to be taken over to Haiti please contact myself here or Annelien here.
Best Wishes,
Lindsey Rae